The “Living and Studying in Italy” course for the Comboni College of Science and Technology students
The ICoN Consortium offers students at the Comboni College of Science and Technology the “Vivere e Studiare in Italia-Elementare” (“Living and Studying in Italy-Elementary”) learning-pathway, a completely online and self-study mode course for students with an A1-A2 level of proficiency in Italian.
Thanks to this course, you will acquire the most important knowledge of living in Italy, basic academic skills and contents relating to the organisation of the Italian university system.
All course contents are closely integrated with the language training in Italian L2/LS.
What you will learn
The “Living and studying in Italy” course consists of three themes.

Italy in Europe

When you arrive in Italy

The Italian university system
Course structure
The course includes video lectures, teaching activities and a final test.
Video lessons
Duration: 5 to 10 minutes per video lesson
Language: Italian; subtitles in Italian and English are available
Teaching activities
Language: Italian
Typology: activities with automatic correction, focusing on comprehension of video lectures, vocabulary and linguistic reflection
End-of-course test
Typology: test with closed-ended answers, with automatic correction
Duration: 30 minutes
Buy the course 115 €