Uni-verso ItaliaEuropa courses
There are 3 courses available:

“Uni-verso ItaliaEuropa”
Course Elementary

“Uni-verso ItaliaEuropa”
Course Intermediate

“Uni-verso ItaliaEuropa”
Course Advanced
Each course is divided into 5 auto-consistent educational paths. Each path consists of 3 themes.
Written texts and video lectures, available in Italian and English.
Learning activities
Activities in language reception, production,mediation and reflection, differentiated according to the level of proficiency in Italian and how the course is used.
Educational paths

Living and studying in Italy
The role of Italy within Europe and European skills. Life in Italy and the basic elements of the Italian university system (structure, organization, etc.); general coordinates of the teaching approach (lectures, examinations and evaluation, educational activities, etc.).

From ancient Rome to the thousand city towers
The impact Roman civilization had on European and Italian history, through a path that touches on the history of the Italian language, urban planning, law, and the birth of institutions. History and culture of the Italy of the Municipalities through the birth and development of cities and municipal institutions.

The modern man: the Renaissance
Italy as the center of cultural Europe: Renaissance and the new conception of man; Galileo and the scientific method; the 1500s: the era of treaties.

Italy through the movie camera
Italian history through the eyes of the most important cinema and television directors, from the Unification to the first twenty years of the 2000s.

Between tradition and innovation
The Italy of Regions and traditions; Italy, land of fashion, design, craftsmanship, cuisine, technology, research; a final look at the Italy of the future (electric mobility and new infrastructures).
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The educational paths can be used in two modalities: Tutoring and Self-study mode.
Students (what they do)
Tutors (what they do)
Self-study mode
Students (what they do)
Observers (what they do)
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